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刘民 副教授、博士、博士生导师


刘民  副教授、博士生导师







1995.09-1999.07 大连理工大学大学,学士

1999.09-2005.06 大连理工大学,博士


2005.07-2008.12 讲师,大连理工大学 永利官网

2009.10-2010.10  访问学者,牛津大学 无机化学系

2018.09-2018.11 访问学者,梅拉达伦大学

2019.08-2020.03 访问学者,斯德哥尔摩大学 材料与环境化学系(MMK

2008.12- 副教授,大连理工大学 永利官网





1. 催化新材料

2. 环境友好催化

3. 分子筛催化

4. 金属有机框架化合物MOFs制备及应用


1. 基于MTP催化剂的多相催化过程扩散-表面反应耦合特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,219720132020.01-2023.1278万元,主持

2. 甲醇制芳烃催化基础,国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFB0604801-022018.05-2021.04112.1万元,主持

3. 环氧丙烷产业化高性能钛硅分子筛催化剂及其催化合成环氧丙烷绿色技术,江苏怡达化学股份有限公司,2017.03-2020.03160万元,主持

4. 固定床催化乙苯和苯酐生产2-乙基蒽醌绿色技术,门捷化工,2013-201780万元,主持

5. 离子液体和固体酸混合体系催化糖类转化制5-羟甲基糠醛,国家自然科学基金青年基金,20803005, 2009.01- 2011.1220万元,主持


1. 辽宁省兴辽英才项目高水平创新创业团队,XLYC2008032,能源催化新材料与外场耦合新过程基础,2021.01-2023.12100万,参加

2. 国家重点研发计划,2016YFB0600902CO2加氢合成液体燃料与含氧化合物的催化新体系研究,2016.07-2021.06140万,参加

3. 国家重点研发计划,2016YFB0301700,环境友好的丙烯直接氧化合成环氧丙烷新技术与工业示范,2016.07-2021.06170万,参加




[1] Y. Zuo, B.S. Zhang, T.H. Li, M. Zhang, J.L. Fan, M. Liu, J.B. Xu, C. Yang, H. Yang, X.W. Guo, Highly stable monolithic titanium silicalite-1 catalyst for 1-butene epoxidation, Aiche J, 69 (2023).

[2] J. Yue, J.J. Li, M. Liu, W. Liu, X.J. Li, S.J. Xie, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, X.X. Zhu, Amine-free synthesis of high-silica MFI zeolite by the conventional hydrothermal route, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 359 (2023).

[3] X.Y. He, J.M. Wu, K.Y. Li, M. Liu, H.A. Shi, J. Du, C.S. Song, X. Wang, X.W. Guo, Z-scheme 2D/2D heterojunction of ZnIn2S4/Ti-BPDC enhancing photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation, Science China-Materials, 66 (2023) 3155-3164.

[4] X.Y. He, X.T. Gao, X. Chen, S. Hu, F.C. Tan, Y.J. Xiong, R. Long, M. Liu, E.C.M. Tse, F. Wei, H. Yang, J.A. Hou, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Dual-optimization strategy engineered Ti-based metal-organic framework with Fe active sites for highly-selective CO2 photoreduction to formic acid, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 327 (2023).

[5] X.Y. He, Y.J. Ding, Z.N. Huang, M. Liu, M.F. Chi, Z.L. Wu, C.U. Segre, C.S. Song, X. Wang, X.W. Guo, Engineering a Self-Grown TiO2/Ti-MOF Heterojunction with Selectively Anchored High-Density Pt Single-Atomic Cocatalysts for Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution, Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., (2023).

[6] Y. Zuo, Y. Chen, T.H. Li, J.J. Yu, H. Yang, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, Bulky macroporous titanium silicalite-1 free of extraframework titanium for phenol hydroxylation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 336 (2022).

[7] J.P. Wang, M. Liu, J.J. Li, C.F. Wang, X.B. Zhang, Y.B. Zheng, X.J. Li, L.Y. Xu, X.W. Guo, C.S. Song, X.X. Zhu, Elucidating the Active-Phase Evolution of Fe-Based Catalysts during Isobutane Dehydrogenation with and without CO2 in Feed Gas, Acs Catalysis, 12 (2022) 5930-5938.

[8] H. Han, A.F. Zhang, L.M. Ren, X.W. Nie, M. Liu, Y. Liu, C. Shi, H. Yang, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Coke-resistant (Pt + Ni)/ZSM-5 catalyst for shape-selective alkylation of toluene with methanol to para-xylene, Chemical Engineering Science, 252 (2022).

[9] H. Han, H. Yang, A.F. Zhang, L.M. Ren, X.W. Nie, C.Q. Chen, M. Liu, C.A. Shi, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Design of highly stable metal/ZSM-5 catalysts for the shape-selective alkylation of toluene with methanol to para-xylene, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9 (2022) 3348-3358.

[10] M. Zhang, Y. Zuo, T.H. Li, M. Liu, H. Yang, X.W. Guo, Kinetics simulation of propylene epoxidation over different Ti species in TS-1, Aiche J, 67 (2021).

[11] H.Y. Shen, M. Liu, J.J. Li, X.J. Li, S.J. Xie, F.C. Chen, L.Y. Xu, X.W. Guo, C.S. Song, X.X. Zhu, Promising Strategy to Synthesize ZSM-5@Silicalite-1 with Superior Catalytic Performance for Catalytic Cracking Reactions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60 (2021) 9098-9106.

[12] M. Liu, T. Cui, X.W. Guo, J.J. Li, C.S. Song, Stable Zn@ZSM-5 catalyst via a dry gel conversion process for methanol-to-aromatics reaction, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 312 (2021).

[13] Y. Ji, Y. Zuo, M. Liu, F. Wang, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, From nano aggregates to nano plates: The roles of gelatin in the crystallization of titanium silicate-1, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 321 (2021).

[14] H. Han, M. Liu, H. Yang, C.A. Shi, S.T. Xu, Y.X. Wei, Z.M. Liu, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Effects of the Pore Structure and Acid-Base Property of X Zeolites on Side-Chain Alkylation of Toluene with Methanol, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60 (2021) 14381-14396.

[15] Y. Zuo, L.Q. Yang, X. Jiang, M.T. Ma, Y.L. Wang, M. Liu, C.N. Song, X.N. Guo, Role of Recrystallization in Alkaline Treatment on the Catalytic Activity of 1-Butene Epoxidation, Chemcatchem, 12 (2020) 6196-6204.

[16] T.H. Li, Y. Zuo, Y.Z. Guo, H. Yang, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, Highly stable TS-1 extrudates for 1-butene epoxidation through improving the heat conductivity, Catal Sci Technol, 10 (2020) 6116-6124.

[17] Y.R. Wang, Y. Chang, M. Liu, A.F. Zhang, X.W. Guo, A Facile Strategy to Prepare Shaped ZSM-5 Catalysts with Enhanced Para-Xylene Selectivity and Stability for Toluene Methylation: The Effect of In Situ Modification by Attapulgite, Molecules, 24 (2019).

[18] M. Liu, T. Cui, J.J. Li, X.W. Guo, C.S. Song, Preparation of high performance MTA catalyst through combining alkali treatment and dry gel conversion, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 257 (2019).

[19] J.H. Liu, A.F. Zhang, X. Jiang, G.H. Zhang, Y.W. Sun, M. Liu, F.S. Ding, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Overcoating the Surface of Fe-Based Catalyst with ZnO and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon toward High Selectivity of Light Olefins in CO2 Hydrogenation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (2019) 4017-4023.

[20] J.J. Li, M. Liu, S.S. Li, X.W. Guo, C.S. Song, Influence of Diffusion and Acid Properties on Methane and Propane Selectivity in Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (2019) 1896-1905.

[21] Y. Zuo, T. Zhang, M. Liu, Y. Ji, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Mesoporous/Microporous Titanium Silicalite with Controllable Pore Diameter for Cyclohexene Epoxidation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 512-520.

[22] J.H. Liu, A.F. Zhang, X. Jiang, M. Liu, J. Zhu, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Direct Transformation of Carbon Dioxide to Value-Added Hydrocarbons by Physical Mixtures of Fe5C2 and K-Modified Al2O3, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 9120-9126.

[23] J.H. Liu, A.F. Zhang, X. Jiang, M. Liu, Y.W. Sun, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Selective CO2 Hydrogenation to Hydrocarbons on Cu-Promoted Fe-Based Catalysts: Dependence on Cu-Fe Interaction, Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2018) 10182-10190.

[24] W.H. Li, X.W. Nie, X. Jiang, A.F. Zhang, F.S. Ding, M. Liu, Z.M. Liu, X.W. Guo, C.S. Song, ZrO2 support imparts superior activity and stability of Co catalysts for CO2 methanation, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 220 (2018) 397-408.

[25] J.J. Li, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, S. Zeng, S.T. Xu, Y.X. Wei, Z.M. Liu, C.S. Song, Influence of Al Coordinates on Hierarchical Structure and T Atoms Redistribution during Base Leaching of ZSM-5, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 15375-15384.

[26] J.J. Li, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, C.Y. Dai, S.T. Xu, Y.X. Wei, Z.M. Liu, C.S. Song, In Situ Aluminum Migration into Zeolite Framework during Methanol-To-Propylene Reaction: An Innovation To Design Superior Catalysts, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 8190-8199.

[27] J.J. Li, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, C.Y. Dai, C.S. Song, Fluoride-mediated nano-sized high-silica ZSM-5 as an ultrastable catalyst for methanol conversion to propylene, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 27 (2018) 1225-1230.

[28] L. Ju, A.F. Zhang, M. Liu, C.S. Song, X.W. Guo, Direct transformation of carbon dioxide to value-added hydrocarbons by physical mixtures of Fe5C2 and potassium modified Al2O3, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 255 (2018).

[29] S. Hu, M. Liu, X.W. Guo, Z.C. Kuang, K.Y. Li, C.S. Song, G.L. Zhang, Effect of titanium ester on synthesizing NH2-MIL-125(Ti): Morphology changes from circular plate to octahedron and rhombic dodecahedron, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 262 (2018) 237-243.