赵云龙 博士、硕士生导师
2010.09-2014.07 永利集团,学士
2015.09-2018.07 永利集团,硕士
2018.09-2022.9 中南大学,博士
2022.10-2023.12 永利集团,助教/讲师
2023.12-至今 永利集团 永利官网副教授
1. 腐植酸基碳材料的制备及其催化研究
2. 含铝废渣的资源化利用
3. 铜业冶炼行业中有色金属的回收利用关键技术
4. 半导体/多金属氧酸盐催化剂催化氧化油品脱硫
横向项目: 铝土矿生产聚合氯化铝产生固废渣的资源回收及利用, 河南巩义. 30 万
横向项目: 二次碲粉氧化-催化还原法制备精碲, 大冶有色金属集团控股有限公司. 30 万
横向项目: As的价态调控净化铜电解液处理低砷阳极板, 江西铜业集团有限公司. 40万
1. 2021年赵天从奖学金 (博士期间2021年12月,中南大学)
1. Zhao Yunlong, Cao Baoyong, Wang Xiaopeng, Wang Xinyu, Zhao Huijun, Wang Jide, Zheng Yajie*, Su Xintai*. Facile synthesis of ultra-thin CoxNi(1-x)/C nano-sheets and their remarkable catalytic properties in 4-nitrophenol reduction[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, 8, 6(4): 5239-5248.
2. Zhao Yunlong, Cao Baoyong, Lin Zhang, Su Xintai*. Synthesis of CoFe2O4/C nano-catalyst with excellent performance by molten salt method and its application in 4-nitrophenol reduction[J]. Environmental pollution, 2019, 254:112961.
3. Zhao Yunlong, Zheng Yajie*, He Hanbing, Sun zhaoming, Li An. Effective aluminum extraction using pressure leaching of bauxite reaction residue from coagulant industry and leaching kinetics study[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 9(12):104770.
4. Zhao Yunlong, Zheng Yajie*, He Hanbing, Sun zhaoming, Li An, Silica extraction from bauxite reaction residue and synthesis water glass[J], Green Processing and Synthesis, 2021, 10, 268-283.
5. Zhao Yunlong, Zheng Yajie*, Peng yinglin, He Hanbing, Sun zhaoming. Characteristics of poly-silicate aluminum sulfate prepared by sol method and its application in Congo red dye wastewater treatment[J]. RSC Advances, 2021, 10: 38208.
6. Xu Lei, Zheng Yajie*, Zhao Yunlong, Chen Wenmi. Recovery of arsenic oxide, harmless gypsum residue and clean water by lime neutralization and precipitation[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2023, 215: 105996.
7. Min Zhang, Aihui Cao, Heng zhang, Yunlong Zhao, Xintai Su*, Lu Wang, Ronglan Wu, Chao Yang*. Urchin-like hybrid nanostructures of CuOx/Fe2O3 from Cu-mediated pyrolysis of Fe-MOFs for catalytic reduction of organic pollutants[J].Nanoscale, 2022(5):14.
8. Zhao Yunlong, Sun Qiang, Luo Jianmin, Chen Hang, Cai Wanling *, Su Xintai *. Hydrothermal fabrication of TiO2-MoO3 nanocomposites with superior performance for water treatment[J]. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects. 2018. 13: 93-99.